
Showing posts from February, 2019

Contingency Plan

A contingency plan helps the director know what to do if anything key or essential is to go wrong. The table shows a possible issue that could happen at any time, next to each 'Possible Issue' has the actions needed to be taken if one of the possible issues does occur. For example, Time could be a possible issue, the action would be to allow more time in order to combat this problem.

Location Request

Without permission to film on-premises from the owner, they are entitled to and every right to stop you filming. However, if you are granted access you will need a copy of the email so that no one can stop you filming and you will have proof to show them.

Release Form

A release form is a form that the director will send out to actors and actresses asking them to play a role in the film. It should contain, the name of the actor, the contact details and the name and contact details of an emergency contact.

Shot List


Crew Contact List

The crew contact list is also essential. It contain every single member of the cast and crew's phone numbers and email. This can be used if they are late or do not show up for filming and it allows the producers to tell them the times and dates that they will be filming.